EZ Lotto is simple to join and easy to play! You decide how many tickets you would like to play and how often you want to participate.
Joining a public group is simple! Browse through our group choices an see what you have an affinity for.
The fastest and easiest way to increase your chances of winning!
Simply input your information and our software will automatically group you with others – just choose the size of your group. With this choice you can remain anonymous while making only a few simple decisions.
This is a great option for the adventurous, media-savvy individual or anyone who wants to create a group of individuals of their choice.
You can choose your group's interests and unifying topics. You can choose whether to make the group public or private. You can do some good when you do well: Your group can also choose a pre-screened charity to receive a percentage of any winnings. EZLotto groups are a great opportunity to stay in touch with friends who share your interests or meet new people with similar interests.
We have many established groups to choose from! From sports fans to weekend chefs—from political affiliations to cancer survivors, dog lovers to baseball fans —find a group that interests you and join in! It's a new way of meeting like-minded people and keeping on top of your interests.
When you ask how much people would want to win, they often tell you they'd like to win a million or more but in reality it would take substaintially leass to change your life.
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