Public Groups

Look through the groups already established by EZ Lotto, you'll find groups that are made by co-workers, friends, family and people like you. You can also search established groups accepting new members.

Search Our Public Groups

Shop for a group that fits your needs. As you build your profile our patented software can group you with like-minded people. You can always choose how much you want to spend each month and what games you'd like to play--no matter what group you are a part of.

You can make selections by location too--so when you win you can all come together to celebrate!

If you have a cause that is not listed on our charity page, you can start your own group and keep it public then encourage others to join!


For Businesses and Corporations

Enroll your employees as a bonus for their dedication to your company. Reserve a portion for company growth and development and the rest gets divided among the group.


For Universities

Your University can set a group page and a percentage of your winnings will automatically be set aside for funding while your students, faculty, staff and supporters benefit as well. Encourage others to support your alma mater.


From Our Blog

How much does it take to change a life?

When you ask how much people would want to win, they often tell you they'd like to win a million or more but in reality it would take substaintially less to change your life.


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